Skeptic Magazine Staff and Editorial Board (vol. 4, no. 3, 1996)
- Publisher & Editor in Chief
- Michael Shermer
- Managing Editor & Art Director
- Pat Linse
- Chief Executive Officer
- Kim Ziel Shermer
- Senior Editors
- Bernard Leikind, Frank Miele
- Research & Investigations
- James Randi
- Contributing Editors
- Tim Callahan, Clayton Drees, Steve Harris, Tom McIver, Brian Siano
- Copy Editor
- Gene Friedman
- Editoral Assistants
- Betty McCollister, Sara Meric
- Contributing Artist
- Jean Paul Buquet
- Internet Representative
- Jim Lippard
- Audiovisual Services
- Brad Davies
- Photography
- David Patton
- Database Circulation
- Jerry Friedman
Editorial Board
- Richard Abanes
- Journalist, Cult Specialist, Director, Religious Information Center
- David Alexander
- Writer, Editor, Investigator of Paranormal Claims
- Steve Allen
- Writer, Humanist, Comedian, Producer
- Arthur Benjamin
- Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College; Magician
- Roger Bingham
- Science Author and Television Essayist
- Napoleon Chagnon
- Professor of Anthropology, U.C. Santa Barbara
- Jared Diamond
- Professor of Physiology, UCLA Medical School
- Clayton J. Drees
- Assistant Professor of History, Virginia Wesleyan College
- Mark Edward
- Professional Magician and Mentalist
- George Fischbeck
- Meteorologist, Science Educator, ABC Television
- Gregory Forbes
- Professor of Biology, Grand Rapids Community College
- Stephen Jay Gould
- Professor of Geology, Harvard University
- John Gribbin
- Astrophysicist and Science Writer
- Steve Harris
- Experimental Gerontologist, UCLA
- William Jarvis
- President, National Council Against Health Fraud; Professor,
Loma Linda University
- Penn Jillette
- Magician, Author, Comedian
- Gerald Larue
- Professor Emeritus of Biblical History and Archaeology, USC
- Jeffrey Lehman
- Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School
- Bernard Leikind
- Plasma Physicist, General Atomics
- William McComas
- Director, Science Education Programs, University of Southern California
- Tom McDonough
- Lecturer in Engineering, Caltech
- John Mosley
- Astronomer, Griffith Observatory
- Richard Olson
- Professor of History of Science, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont
Graduate School
- Donald Prothero
- Chairman and Associate Professor of Geology, Occidental College
- James Randi
- Magician, Author, Scientific Investigator
- Vincent Sarich
- Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
- Nancy Segal
- Professor of Psychology, CSU Fullerton
- Rick Shaffer
- Amateur Astronomer, Telescope Designer, Zoltec Astro-Instruments
- Elie Shneour
- Biochemist, Director, Biosystems Research Institute
- Laura Schlessinger
- Marriage and Family Therapist, KFI Talk Radio Host
- Jay Stuart Snelson
- Director, Institute for Human Progress
- Carol Tavris
- Social Psychologist, Author
- Teller
- Magician, Author, Comedian